
Juju by Grishma is a unique brand that makes limited-edition handmade wearable sculptures using a blend of materials. It is my studio practice - my daily engagement with tools, materials and flotsam that I have collected over time from near and far. Straddling design, sculpture and craftsmanship, my practice is animated by nature - minute observation of all that pass us by, quietly or unnoticed. This daily riyaaz of making by hand manifests as installations, wind sculptures, limited edition wearable pieces, everyday jewellery and other collectibles.
As an explorer, my approach is unconventional in process and begins by working directly with materials rather than sketching a preconceived idea. I enjoy the complexities of making products by hand - the trials & tribulations of understanding the material, how to craft it and bring a unique one-of-its kind handmade product to the connoisseur.
I hope you enjoy exploring them as much as I enjoyed creating it.
Materials used:
Upcycling material and giving them new life is at the core of my work. Raw, rustic, warped, discarded industrial metal, upcycled waste wood and a recent love of beachcombing finds its way into my creations. Presently, I am working with brass scraps generated by industrial units and upcycling them into unique forms giving them new meaning and life. I aim for a positive impact on the environment by reducing waste & using sustainable materials.

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Fabian Hellgardt


Fabian Hellgardt


Fabian Hellgardt


Fabian Hellgardt


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