
 JUJU’s inspiration blossoms from nature. These products come from a place of wonder, nostalgia and moments of silent observations. They may hold deep meaning or at times they could just be the outcome of a play of form and material.

My creations come together to form a vision characterized by mesmerizing odyssey of materials and its minimalist essence. Educated as a visual artist and animator, my portfolio encompasses a diverse range of creative outputs – from graphic and animation work to Indoor and outdoor products like wind chimes, wall clocks, lights and furniture, installations in brass-glass and metal.

I enjoy the complexities of making products by hand - the trials & tribulations of understanding the material, how to craft it and bring a unique one of its kind handmade product to the connoisseur. For me, nature is an inspiration to connect the dots and use the skills to create an artful life. JUJU’s goal is to share the universal message of joy and happiness by making beautiful things from the heart. And hoping everyone enjoys the good JUJU with as much joy it gave while being created.


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Fabian Hellgardt


Fabian Hellgardt


Fabian Hellgardt


Fabian Hellgardt


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